Symphony of Possibilities

What if the Earth was willing to contribute to you, would you truly receive it?

What are the infinite possibilities available for you now?

These sessions invite you to open up for you, the seekers of the world, what is truly possible beyond limitations, judgements, and points of view.

Symphony of Possibilities Session Dubai

What is a Symphony Session?

Symphony Sessions are about energetic empowerment and change and they can invite you to open up to living your life in completely different ways. Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies and a Symphony Session allows you to start to dynamically access what is true and possible for you and your body - beyond everything that you bought as real in this reality. The Symphony Sessions are based on Access Consciousness® tools and the energetic transformation work created by Dr Dain Heer, Co-Creator of Access Consciousness®.

SOP Sessions Dubai

Anywhere in the world, online or in person.

A Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) session is a mix of energy work and body work, depending on what the practitioner has learnt. Having said this, it is not limited to that either as it is also something that strongly involves following the energy to create the change that the client requires.

Access Consciousness® is a lot about following the energy, changing the energy and asking for new energies to show up. A SOP session pulls it all together into something totally new and different. It can include any other technique that the practitioner is aware of, a lot of it is done “off the body”, with gentle touches on the body wherever and whenever it is required. Sometimes there is some light massage or some minor manipulative techniques.

What if we, acoustically vibrating as us, create an energetic symphony of possibilities that changes the planet?

- Dr. Dain Heer


For a taster of the Symphony Of Possibilities, we invite you to watch this short video by Dr. Dain Heer.

Each session will invite you to a different possibility, beyond the limitations you've decided and concluded and been told are real.

What would change if you knew you were not in any way broken, screwed up, bad, or wrong for anything?

What would your life be like if you would allow yourself to receive contribution from everything?

Truly, now is the time for something different in the world.

AED 1500

Online (60 mins)

You can be anywhere in the world.

AED 1735

In-Person (60 mins)

Conducted at our centre in Umm Suqiem, Dubai, UAE.