Abuse Hold Body Process

A potent energetic technique for your body to release, relax and have a sense of peace.

Your space to end the cycle of abuse.

What is the Abuse Hold Body Process?

Abuse can take several forms; be it physical, emotional, verbal or sexual, even self-abuse and substance abuse.

In essence, abuse is known as maltreatment to another person, lacking empathy or compassion. When you are abused, the trauma is rigidified into the molecules of your body. This then plays out into a cycle of repetitive experiences as the mind goes into finding evidentiary contrivances to validate the original event.

The pain and unprocessed emotions and feelings and the inability to let go of the memory are some of the elements that cause you to lock the abuse in your body and causes you to hold you away from yourself and the rest of the world.

Amidst this whole process, you're prepared for the next abuse to be delivered to you and you stress your body to always be on alert.

The Abuse Hold Body Process is a nurturing energetic process that allows all emotions attached with the trauma of abuse: shame, guilt, regret, self-blame, to be released from your body with ease. This then creates a space of transformation of your behavior, experiences and openness to possibilities. 


What does the session entail?

Essentially, the session includes two steps. First, you’ll listen to a recording of a class by Gary Douglas, Original Clearing the Issues of Abuse. This is done to prepare you for the next step. It is recommended to listen to the recording multiple times to clear multiple layers of psychological points of view you may be holding on to around abuse. This recording will be provided to you by your practitioner after the booking.

Second, you’ll physically be receiving the Abuse Hold. This part includes you being held in an embrace that is soothing and accepting. Your body may react in various ways, it may even deny or shy away from the warmth of being held at first but your body’s reactions will be the way through which any negative feelings from trauma will be released.


Expect to receive

Relief from Trauma


Reduced Anxiety and Depression


Release energies locked by abuse


End the cycle of abuse


Relaxation and reduced stress


Exploring ease, joy and glory in life

Greater mental clarity

When you've been abused, whether it's mental, physical, emotional, monetary or any other form, you lock that in your body and try to hold it away from yourself and the rest of the world. In that process, you're prepared for the next abuse delivered at you.


 Book an appointment

Receive an Abuse Hold session at our wellness centre in Umm Suqiem, Dubai.


AED 2000

Abuse Hold Body Process Session (90 minutes)

The Access Consciousness Abuse Hold is a hands-on body process, which involves you lying down and being held by the facilitator of the process. Creating a space of acceptance and encouragement, where your body can let go of the trauma of abuse at a cellular level. A brilliant alternative for those who haven’t found solace in talk therapy, Abuse Hold Healing Sessions are effective and leave you feeling much lighter and hopeful about the future.