Step into your potency.

Lasting change does not require years of talk therapy.

CFMW, Access Bars® Facilitator (BF), Access Energetic Facelift™ Practitioner (AFP), Talk to the Entities Practitioner, Spiritual Response Therapy Practitioner, Happy Mouth™ Practitioner for Tooth Decay and Gum Disease


Access Consciousness® Body Work

Maybe you’d like to break free from the jails of your mind. Maybe you’d like to look and feel younger. Maybe you’d like more ease with your body. Priyanka practices a range of body processes from Access Consciousness® that allow you to permanently dissipate and release the pain locked into your body. What have you decided you cannot change?

Your body is the key to all the pains in your life. Will you allow your body to unlock your potency?

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Verbal Facilitation

These sessions unlock an awareness within you to allow you to change what doesn’t work for you. No BS. Priyanka’s laser focused approach zaps you to the root of the issue, shifting your energy from pathetic to potent.
Every session is a unique blend of Spiritual Response Therapy, Access Consciousness verbal processing and entity facilitation.

Anything can change, everything is possible. Will you choose it?

Upcoming events.


What would you have to be in order to change anything that doesn’t work for you? And what stops you from choosing that?
