Happy Mouth™

Generative energetic dentistry for tooth decay and gum disease

Up to 80% of disorder and disease in the body can be traced to issues in the mouth.


What is Happy Mouth™?

Everything begins from your mouth the moment you are born. You consume all of life through there- eating, breathing, speaking. The mouth is where millions of energies get stuck – around choices, judgement, doubt, fear, trauma and not moving forward with life. When you begin to clear the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic blockages, the health of the whole body benefits.

Happy Mouth™ activates physical systems in the body to take care of the gums, rebuild broken or chipped teeth, grow new teeth, saliva, lymph, bone, along with activating more awareness and insight, and for receiving more in your reality.


What does the session entail?

In order to fully activate all the systems in the body to regrow or heal gums, bone or to activate tooth buds to grow new teeth, it’s required to have 21 activations, one each day for 21 days, 30 minutes each. The process will also include clearings and verbal processes.

It’s required to have 21 activations, one each day for 21 days if you expect to see the results. The program is not sold in smaller parts (one day or two weeks) and requires consistent 21 sessions in 21 days.


Expect to receive

Rebuild broken or chipped teeth


More awareness and insight


Cure chronic gum diseases


Increase your receiving


Reduce tooth decay and plaque build up


Grow new teeth

Savings on costly dental bills

The mouth is the gateway – your teeth and gums will always let you know the health of your body and if your teeth and mouth are not taken care they can contaminate the rest of your body!

AED 7707

Happy Mouth™ 21 Day Activation Program for Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Experience the magic of what you can create for your life by nurturing your mouth. Open yourself up to the reality you could have, not just about your mouth but your body, living, and being. A 21-Day Activation program (21 sessions, 30 minutes each) is an energetic system of healing that activates the generative and restorative capacities of your body. This system includes activation, generation, and restoration points on the head, hands-on body processes, and powerful verbal clearings.

The next activation program begins on April 2nd, 2022.

Capacity: 4 spots remaining!

Frequently Asked Questions


Will it work if I do this for less than 21 days?


Happy Mouth™ Activation Program for Tooth Decay and Gum Disease is only designed for 21 days, no more no less. The procedure requires 21 sessions over 21 days, 30 minutes each session. It’s required to have 21 activations, one each day for 21 days if you expect to see the results. The program is not sold in smaller parts (one day or two weeks) and requires consistent 21 sessions in 21 days.


Can the sessions be done online?


The Happy Mouth™ Activation Program for Tooth Decay and Gum Disease can only be done in person.


Is the procedure safe and backed by scientific research?


Yes, indeed! Over the years in his dental practice, Dr. Tom Kolso began to question what else was possible beyond the modern dentistry approach of removing tissues such as gum and teeth and replacing them with artificial substances like fillings and crowns. He wondered what would it be like to consciously regrow missing teeth, gum tissue, and bone structures.

Would it be possible to have plaque and calculus NOT build up on your teeth?

Modern dentistry says these things are impossible—is that the truth or is it a big fat lie?

So, Happy Mouth™ Generative Energetic Dentistry began from observing patients, conditions, and responses over many years.


Can I trust it to show actual results?


Absolutely. With 21 days and 21 sessions completed, you’ll start to see effective results within 3-6 months, not just for your mouth but your body, living, and being.

Check out our client testimonials to hear how their dental and life journey has transformed since the program.


Can it be done on kids?

Yes, kids can also take part in the 21-Day Happy Mouth™ Activation Program for Tooth Decay and Gum Disease. It is a child-safe procedure and some even believe it works most effectively on children because of their willingness to receive without self-doubt.




Just wanted to say I’m loving Happy Mouth™! I had my teeth cleaned recently & the hygienist asked what else I was doing ’cause my gums are starting to grow back & I’m no longer looking long in the tooth! Hehe, how did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful!

- Samara, aged 29

The series is amazing, beyond magical (F-ing brilliant) and intense – I had to stop listening and take a break yesterday as so much was coming up for me! (I consider this an added value!!)

- Asad, aged 16


So happy I chose this program opened up a different reality not only about teeth and the mouth but also about the body and life, living, dying and the choices we have of choosing differently. Thank you.

- Naina, aged 37


 Book an appointment

Receive a Happy Mouth™ session at our wellness centre in Umm Suqiem, Dubai.

All safety procedures are followed.